Maria Nestoras finds a hammer more familiar in her hands than a curling iron. This Beamsville local has been immersed in the construction world since she finished high school over a decade ago, embracing the trade with an innate skill and passion from an early age.
As a child, Nestoras spent her days shadowing her grandfather on the family’s turkey farm, always eager to assist whenever he embarked on a new building project.
“I’ve always had a penchant for outdoor work,” Nestoras, who clinched the title on HGTV’s Canada’s Handyman Challenge, shared. “The idea of staying indoors to clean never appealed to me. It seems like it was just in my nature.”
Today Maria Nestoras is the owner of CH Construction and Snow Removal. Her and her team provide concrete and snow removal services in the Golden Horseshoe area in Ontario. Based out of Hamilton, she services Burlington, Oakville, Ancaster, Stoney Creek, Grimsby and all of the Niagara Region.